Oplevelsen i gruberne

Attractions in Central Jutland

Central Jutland stores many exciting places, but one attraction stands out as something truly special: Mønsted Kalkgruber.  

Experience the worlds largest Limestone mines in Central Jutland

Mønsted Kalkgruber are known as the world's largest, covering an area of approximately 13 hectares of the earth's surface. But it's not just the size that impresses. The pits also offer a fascinating history of limestone mining that goes back hundreds of years and has deep roots in the region's economy and development. As a unique underground attraction, Mønsted Kalkgruber have attracted visitors from all over the globe. As a guest, you can expect an exciting and adventurous experience. Just remember to bring a flashlight if you want to explore the dark corridors to discover the hidden chambers below. Mønsted Kalkgruber are also home to a remarkably large number of bats - over 10,000 bats, including five different species, hibernate in the mines. This makes Mønsted Kalkgruber an interesting place for both nature enthusiasts and those seeking to learn more about these fascinating creatures.

Visit Mønsted Kalkgruber in groups

Mønsted Kalkgruber warmly welcome schools and institutions of all kinds. Guided tours are available for booking, during which knowledgeable guides share fascinating insights into the site's rich history and geology. This provides both children and adults with a unique opportunity to learn about the fascinating history of limestone mining. Visiting Mønsted Kalkgruber with your school is an experience like no other. Students can participate in geological education, gaining insight into the formation and historical use of limestone. So, grab your classmates and explore the unique underground labyrinths. In addition to the educational aspects, Mønsted Kalkgruber are also a fantastic place for team building and group trips. The impressive underground chambers and corridors provide a unique setting for group activities that promote collaboration and creativity.

Read more about group visits here.

Visit Café Kridthuset and buy the Grubeost

After exploring Mønsted Kalkgruber, you can visit the homely Café Kridthuset to satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst. You can also drop by the charming shop, where it's possible to buy the unique cheese known as “grubeost,” which has aged down in the mines. Thus, for those seeking both a world-famous tourist destination and an unforgettable adventure, Mønsted Kalkgruber is the ideal destination. Head towards one of Central Jutland's leading attractions and be ready to discover a world full of exploration opportunities.

You can plan your visit to Mønsted Kalkgruber here.